There are movies, superstitions, urban legends, etc. about lucky number 7. There are 7 days of the week. A lot of people think 7 is a number of perfection. No matter what the number 7 might mean to you, 7 means the world to me!
7 equals perfect control. In the world of diabetes, 7 is extremely desirable. And we found out today, that we hit lucky number 7. Our last check up, we had a 6.5, which is great, just a little low for a toddler. Our goal was to hit lucky number 7. Today, we accomplished that's goal.
Our daughter's A1c ( this gives you an estimate of the stability of sugar levels in your bloodstream for the last 3 months) is 7!
I am so grateful for my daughter. I am so grateful for the help I get from God in helping her through changes and challenges at this early age of her life. I am so grateful, that I was raised with the knowledge and the confidence that I can accomplish my goals as long as I am consistent in my efforts and focused on my plan.
Today, I feel more accomplished and happier than the day of my graduation at BYU. Even though it was hard work to write a master's thesis, this accomplishment is so much more significant than that and that any professional accomplishment I have ever achieved.
In obtaining our lucky number 7, I feel the sense of peace, of knowing that God is close by and watching over us. I feel the sweetness that comes from confirming that the path we are taking is the right one. I am right! I feel the excitement that comes from knowing that health is preserved. I feel the emotion of the future, knowing that my daughter can also join the ranks of healthy Type 1 Diabetic mothers who manage to preserve their health enough to have their own children. I feel the blessing that comes from possibilities... From the possibility of maybe thinking that I am protecting the next generation of my family. And I feel the certainty that comes from knowing that I as she continues to learn to live a healthy life, she too will be invested with the knowledge and the determination to assist any of her own children that might face this challenge in this life.
Too many people talk about a cure. Too many people talk about finding a special way to fix something that so many people believe is broken. I understand. Different in this case is a great challenge. It's a chronic disease. I would be overjoyed at the accomplishment of the development of technology that would help my husband and my daughter live an easier life. However, today, I feel strongly that come what may, there is a bright future out there for my little 3 year old daughter. There are choices! There is healthy living! This all means there is a high price to pay as well. As long as my daughter is so young, I will happily continue to pay the price that needs to be paid for her health. I pray to God, that she too will be able to develop the desire to pay the high price necessary to be healthy. God knows, and the people that know me the best know, that I I'm determined to continue to hit lucky number 7. I pray thar my husband and I can watch her bloom as we age together. HOPE! THAT IS WHAT LUCKY NUMBER 7 MEANS TO ME! PERFECT HOPE.
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