Saturday, August 30, 2014

Toolkit...what can I use to manage my diabetes?

All diabetics are not created equal. That means that some people inject insulin, others pump, and a lot of of type 2 diabetics, use oral medications to help control there blood glucose levels.

Here are 2 videos that document the different tools that are available for diabetes management. Please pass these videos along to others. The purpose of them is not so you can hear how groggy and how tired I sound in the morning. It is actually educate others about diabetes! Enjoy!

Thursday, August 28, 2014

Bionic Girl

For the last 6 weeks, we have been using a Dexcom continuous glucose monitoring device. It has been a great addition to our "diabetes management toolbox". Our family loves our devices and are grateful for them. We are blessed to have them. Unfortunately, not a Diabetics have access to them.  More research and more development will continue to expand accessibility and accuracy in glucose monitoring.

For more info go to

And dont forget to support our Step Out and Walk team...M@gic#Hun+ers